You see a picture that you are accustomed to before like Pizza,but with a diffirence:with the Turkish Lahmacun :)
You may have heard its name, tasted it or neither of them. However, if you taste it once, it is impossible not to like it.
We asked one hundred people to taste lahmacun and ninety nine of them said they liked. Of course this is not the case,cause there was no such poll;but we believe in our palate as the Turkish and decided to introduce it to people all around the world.
What kind of a food is Lahmacun?
First of all, it is a Turkish cuisine and specific to Gaziantep.Let's think about a dough on which several types of species, meat, parsley, onion , garlic. With its charming apperance it meets the needs as a appetite, as well. Lahmacun is often served sprinkled with a piece of lemon and wrapped around vegetables, including pickles, tomatoes, lettuce,which is an important factor that makes us consume more. We know you lick your chop,so all you must do is just go to a nearest Turkish restaurant and order a lahmacun or start to make it on your own.

These are “fındık lahmacun” and they are specific to Mersin,Adana regions. They are called “fındık” because they are as small as nut :) You can eat one of them at once :) You can find them only Adana,Mersin regions and buy 8 of them only 2€ :)

There are “Antep Lahmacun” and they are bigger than “fındık lahmacun”. They are diffirent from other kinds of Lahmacun because they are hot. You can buy one of them for less than 1€ :)
First of all, you could make lahmacun with tortilla -which is more practical- or you can make your own dough which is more delicious :) :)
We will give the recipe for the dough.
- 1 kg of ground beef
- 1 kg onion
- 2 medium size of tomatoes
- 1 bunch of parsley
- 2 green pepper
- Tomato paste
- Red pepper paste
- Black pepper
- Salt
For the dough:
- 4 cups flour
- Salt
- 1/2 cups of warm water
- Yeast
Wash and drain tomatoes, onion and parsley.
Take onion and green pepper to bowl and process the food processor until ingredients are finely chopped .
Take them into a big bowl.
Put tomatoes to the food processor and then take the tomatoes to the mixing bowl too.
Chop parsley and take it to the mixing bowl.
Add meat, tomato paste, pepper paste, black pepper, and salt to the mixing bowl and knead them until they are combined.
Heat the oven to 250C.
For making your own dough, mix flour, salt, and yeast in a bowl and add warm water slowly.
Cover with plastic wrap and wait to rise for 1 hour and knead it again.
Take a small part of dough (like a lemon) and roll it as large as tortilla.
Then add the mixing to the dough.
You can serve lahmacun with ayran and onion salad.
Introduced by Demet Gümüş & Ebru EVCEN
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