Communication breakdown due to improper grammar usage

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


While I was surfing on the internet, I came across this song. I was impressed by both the lyrics of it and the words which its composer uttered.

     ‘Child labor is denial of childhood.Why ? In the lives of our typical families with stable jobs and adequate incomes, our families go to work each day and children go to school and play with  their friends in their free time.However, this kind of family doesn’t apply for 218 million children in the world, because they are  trapped in under harsh,dangerous and exploitative  conditions of child labor. ‘

     After I had listened this song, I thought that we lived our childhood, got whatever we wanted,  educated well, dressed properly, played with our friends. What about the others ?

     I think that they are totally innocent. Vulnerable children are open to exploitation that knows no limit.They never deserve these things.

     However, change is on its way.This reality may be bothersome but improvements have been made.With enough time,effort and will to succeed, these children can look  forward to a brighter future.We all have responsibilities fort his situation. We can also support the works of ILO ( International Labor  Organization) or another ones ‘.I think Turkish people are sensible enough to take a hand in this issue.

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