Communication breakdown due to improper grammar usage

Tuesday, January 22, 2013



         What Do We Know And What Can We Do ?

    The problem of child labor has moved from a matter of regional and national concern to one of international debate. The International Labor Organization (ILO) has estimated that 250 million children between the ages five and  fourteen work in developing countries.Many of these children are forced to work.They are denied an education and childhood.Some are confined and beaten.Some are denied the right  to leave the workplace and go home to their families.
    What interventions might end child labor without hurting children? What  can we do to stop child labor? I think that there must be a public disclosure against  this serious issue.

     We should try to shift our spending patterns from problematic companies to responsible ones. We can check out the Resposible Shopping page to find out more about this.

    We can ask retail stores if their products were produced without child labor.I think that this could be a bit diffucult to ask each store.Instead of doing this, we can search for the companies which works with children.

    We can join actions or we can support the projects such as ILO,UNICEF.I chose this topic , because I want to raise awareness in society and in the world later. I hope you are more informed about this matter now.

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