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Tuesday, January 22, 2013


                                    BEING A MEMBER OF METU

    When I first heard that I had been accepted to Middle East Technical University, I was disappointed because I did not like Ankara.However, I have  changed my mind over time, because Middle East Technical Unıversity is really different.

    Actually, it has been only one month since I came here, but I got used to this environment. First of all,
people from age to young respect to each other here.Morever, there are a lot of oppurtunities offered by Middle East Technical University.For example, there are a lot of sport activities, lots of social clubs,tennis,rowing so on. That is, there is no time to be bored.

   I have lots of time to do something for myself. Middle East Technical Unıversity offers a lot of courses. I benefit from these courses
.I am a member of a social club :THBT.Also, I am interested in sport. For example, I am interested in playing volleyball and I have the oppurtunity to go to stadium and play volleyball whenever I want. I also have interest in folklore. I participated in Turkısh Folklore Communıty in METU. I go to classes in Turkısh Folklore Community at wednesdays and saturdays.

    There is not any serious problem about being a member of  METU. In winter, I will have difficulty  in adapting into hard weather conditions. Since I come from Aydın, I am not used to such weather. I will get used to it soon. Whatever happens, I love METU.

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