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Tuesday, January 15, 2013


                 TURKISH  ÇIGKÖFTE              

   Lets talk about something  really interesting and so delicious.If one tastes it he will never forget that kind of taste. It also has cultural value for Turkish people. You are excited, are not you? So here is the name of this masterpiece: Çiğköfte !

      Its story dates back the time of prophet İbrahim. When Nimrod collected all firewood in Urfa in order to build a monumental execution pyre, wife of a hunter had to prepare venison raw in the absence of firewood. She mixed the meat with bulgur, herbs and spices and crushed the mixture with stone implements until it was palatable.


     It is easy to make çiğköfte you don’t need even fire to cook it !!  Just buy some species like red pepper, a bowel of bulghur, meat and vegetables then let’s bring them together and rub !! Coming Turkey and not tasting the çiğköfte means half of your travel is meaningless !! İt is made not only by rubbing it but also by adding our affection to the species’s and meat’s extraordinary dance !! I, personally, strongly advise all of you to taste this wanderfull and really delicious food. You would never regret !

      There is a photo of çiğköfte made by really good chefs above.

Gamze EMİR
Mizgin DOĞAN


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