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Friday, June 14, 2013


                                    EFFECTS of TELEVISION on CHILDREN

       In recent years, many children have spent a lot of time by watching television. Instead of playing with their friends outside or at home, many children spend most of their time by watching television. They learn many things from what they watch. And, of course, television has both positive and negative effects on children. Negative effects are: Children’s social life is affected in a bad way and there are problems in their both physical and mental health. Positive effects are: Some programs are educational and children can learn lots of things from them and both negative and positive effect is cultural interaction.
       Firstly, as a negative effect, children’s social life is affected in a bad way. If children are not controlled by their parents, while children watch television, they can watch dangerous or harmful programs for them, and thereby they can get some bad habits or they may tend to do those bad habits or negative characteristics of people. These things do not have importance for some people who make these programs and put such bad behaviours or habits to the television programs when children watch television. In some child films, alcohol is showed. However, it is known and proved that alcohol is harmful for people (health). Some advertisements can have such bad things. In this way, children have a slight acquaintance to alcohol and also smoking, drug, etc. If these films (or advertisements) which have harmful things for children are showed in television by television programmers, it should be at late hours at night when many children go to bed.

       Another negative effect of television on children is violence. Some cartoons and films show violent scenes. These things stimulate the children to behave violently to their environment and people. Especially young children is affected easily what they watch or see. Some cartoons, such as Ben Ten, Bakugan, Pokémon, etc., affect children in negative ways. There are many violent scenes in those cartoons. Violence passes through to the children’s behaviours, words, plays. In the article, which is written by Ahu Kaskun and Selen Öztunç, it is stated that:
      Children starting from 3-4 years until the age of 12-13 watch cartoons 1-2 hours per day and as well as when children and young people concerned, they remain under intense bombardment of violence are seen. As a result of some researches it has been determined that children imitate the aggressive behaviours (Akarcalı 1996).
     For example, I saw these side effects on my brother. He tended to be nervous and applying some movements to someone while he was playing with his friend. Murder films also affect children’s psychology. In he book called “Children and Television” it was mentioned that by the age of 12, children would have watched about 20.000 murders and about 100.000 other scenes of violence (Lemish 72). According to Lemish:
            In Israel, a 7-year-old boy who his spine was reported to have shouted – “Look how       Superman flies!” – Before jumping out of a window. In Norway a 5-year-old girl was    severely harassed by her friends following the viewing of a particular television series. In the U.S.A., viewing of the Oliver Stone’s movie Natural Born Killers (portraying a series of murders) was blamed for a 15-year-old youth’s murder of his parents. In Thailand, a 9-year-old boy hung himself in imitation of a scene from a popular series that had depicted a killing by the hanging of a victim (71).
       Secondly, in addition to these negative effects, another one is that some health problems about psychology, mental come to existence. Due to watching television so much, children’s eyes, in fact not only children’s but also adults’ eyes, can have impairment and, of course, this is not a good thing for young children. Another problem is obesity. In the presence of television, they want to eat and as a result of this they eat a lot therefore obesity is the case. In the article called “Effect of Television to The Child’s Mental Development”, Paul Smith, also prepares the BBC children’s programs, an interview about the impact of television on children mentions that today, families can’t have enough time to spend with their children and the outside world is also not secure so they provide more technology for their children at homes. As a consequence of this situation, children move less and eat more beyond exposing to more information about almost every topic. As a result, in terms of mental and physical, the number of children being obese is increasing.
      Another thing is some cartoons and films show and teach magic. Especially, children are affected easily from this and they can tend to do magic because their imaginative skills are much more than adults. For example, due to cartoon/s, my 4-year-old brother tried to lift something by moving his hand towards that object.
      Thirdly, different from the negative effects, television has also positive effects on children and for their development. Some child programs teach to children how to draw a picture (e.g. Louie), singing child songs (e.g. Pepee), and making hand-crafts and so on. In one article, it is said that a new study suggests that educational television programs are successful in broadening young children’s knowledge, affecting their racial attitudes and increasing their imaginations, according to a study published today in the November issue of Pediatrics, the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics (Rupin R. Thakkar, Michelle M. Garrison and Dimitri A. Christakis, 2006).
     Some cartoons, such as Caillou, Pepee, Backyard Science, Anne Shirley, etc, teach lots of things to the children. My brother has learnt quite a few things, knowledge from Caillou, especially about normal life. From Louie, he learnt how to paint some things. Sometimes, he says something and in my opinion he can’t know that knowledge at that age. Then I ask him where he learnt or heard that knowledge. He says generally “from Caillou”. Thanks to the Caillou or some other cartoons he learns a great many things. He learns some songs from Pepee, he memorizes them. In addition to these knowledge, his some behaviours can change or add new behaviour to his life from what he watches. As well as, children learn some things from the television documentaries. They can be about animals, water life, some cities and so on. They can obtain general culture from them.
     Finally, cultural interaction can be seen in children. In cartoons or films are shown different countries. Therefore, children learn different cultures. This can be general culture and difference for them but also it can be dangerous because they can be influenced. Maybe it can be seen differences in their behaviours, words, etc. It is a good thing that they learn and see dissimilar life styles. When they are young, their perspectives come large. However, when they watch a thing which reflects that country’s culture very much, in terms of possibility of starting to forget child’s own culture, it is a dangerous thing and television programs support the globalization and form global culture.
      According to Lemish, “ Media and mostly television are blamed for being the central mobilizers of the globalization processes, as they serve as a channel for transmitting Western worldviews, including values, cultural tastes, economic and political interests”, and he adds “in contrast to this process or perhaps as a complimentary force, there is the strengthening of the development of self-awareness of local sub-cultures that are striving for recognition and an opportunity to flourish, who demonstrate strong resistance to what they perceive to be a takeover by a super-power Western culture” (214).

       In conclusion, it is seen that television, cartoons affect the children both in bad ways and good ways. As a negative, their social life is influenced, they sometimes watch harmful programs and learn bad habits or things. Their health can be affected adversely in terms of physical and mental. Apart from these, some programs are educational and children learn beneficial knowledge. Finally, in terms of culture, television is both negative and positive effects in children’s lives.

Blackwell Publishing, 2006

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