Communication breakdown due to improper grammar usage

Thursday, October 18, 2012

the terminal scene 4 transcript

Thurman] What are you doing in the United States, Mr. Navorski? [thick Bulgarian accent] Yellow taxicab, please. Take me to Ramada Inn, Lexington. Staying at the Ramada Inn? Keep the change. Do you know anyone in New York? Yes. - Who? - Yes. - Who? - Yes. - No, do you know anyone in New York? - Yes. - Who? - Yes. Lexington. OK, Mr. Navorski, I need to see your return ticket, please. No, your return ticket. Your... - Oh... Yes. - Ah. [woman screams] This is just a standard procedure. I'm going to need the passport also. Oh... OK. - No, no. - Thank you. Mr. Navorski. That. Passport. That. Mr. Navorski? Sorry to keep you waiting. I'm Frank Dixon, Director of Customs and Border Protection here at JFK. I help people with their immigration problems. We're looking for an interpreter for you. How are we doing on that? Do we have an interpreter? But I understand that you speak a little English. - Yes. - You do? I hope you don't mind if I eat while we talk. I've a bit of bad news. Your country has suspended all traveling privileges on passports issued by your government. And our State Department has revoked the visa that was going to allow you to enter the US. That's it in a nutshell, basically. While you were in the air there was a military coup in your country. Most of the dead were members of the Presidential Guard. They were attacked in the middle of the night. They got it all on GHN, I think. There were few civilian casualties. I'm sure your family's fine. Mr. Navorski, your country was annexed from the inside. The Republic of Krakozhia is under new leadership. Krakozhia. Krakozhia - Krakozhia. - Right. I don't think he gets it. Er... Let me... OK. Look. Imagine that these potato chips are Krakozhia. Kra-kozhia. - Kra-kozhia. - Yes. - Krakozhia. - OK. Er... So the potato chips are Krakozhia. - And this apple... - Big Apple. Big Apple. ...Big Apple represents the Liberty Rebels. OK? No more Krakozhia! OK? New government. Revolution. You understand? All the flights in and out of your country have been suspended. The new government has sealed all borders, so your visa's no longer valid. So, currently you are a citizen of nowhere. Now, we can't process you new papers until the US recognizes your country's new diplomatic reclassification. You don't qualify for asylum, refugee status, temporary protective status, humanitarian parole, or non-immigration work travel. You don't qualify for any of these. You are at this time simply... ...unacceptable. - Unacceptable. - Unacceptable. - Unacceptable. Big Apple tour includes Brooklyn Bridge, Empire State, Broadway show Cats. I got more bad news for you. Cats has closed. OK. OK. Now I go New York City. Thank you. No, Mr. Navorski. I cannot allow you to enter the United States at this time. - Krakozhia. - We can't allow you to go home either. You don't really have a home. Technically it doesn't exist. It's like a Twilight Zone. Do you get that show over there? Talking Tina, Zanti Misfits. Zanti Misfits was Outer Limits, sir. Really? It's not important. Where do I buy the Nike shoes? OK, Mr. Navorski, come here. Here's my dilemma, Mr. Navorski. You have no right to enter the US and I have no right to detain you. You have fallen through a crack in the system. - I am crack. - Yes. Until we get this sorted out, I will allow you to enter the International Transit Lounge. I'm going to sign a release form that is going to make you a free man. - Free? - Free. Free. Free to go anywhere you like in the International Transit Lounge. - OK? - OK. - OK. - OK. OK.

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