Communication breakdown due to improper grammar usage

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Journal entry 4: Your slogan for METU

Please watch the video above and  comment on the following:
What do you think of the latest slogan of METU - I brain ODTÜ? To what extent and in what ways do you consider it an effective? In what ways do you think it fails to be an effective one? Why and why not? 
If you were to design a slogan for METU again, which one would you choose ? Why? Please comment on these points in detail.
Note: The transcript of the video extract and its English version is as follows:
O bir ODTÜ'lü. (He is from METU.)
ODTÜ'lü hiçbir sınırı, sınırlamayı kabul etmez. (METU people do not accept any borders or limitations)
 Özgür düşünür, düşüncelerini özgürce ifade eder. (METU people think freely and express their ideas freely)
 Onu ODTÜ'lü yapan, ODTÜ'nün başarma ve "fark yaratma" kültürüdür. (What makes him/her a METU person is the culture of success and "making a difference" that is special to METU.
ODTÜ'lü, var olan bilgiyle yetinmez. Sorgular, araştırır, geliştirir. (A person from  METU  is not satisfied with the existing knowledge. He/She questions, investigates and develops),
Yeni bilgi üretmek, hayata geçirmek, paylaşmak için çalışır... (He/she tries to create new knowledge, put it into practice in real life and share it.)
 Sorumluluğu sadece çevresiyle sınırlı kalmaz. (His/Her sphere of responsibility is not limited to his/her immediate environment).
 Ülkenin ve dünyanın sorunlarıyla ilgilenir, çözüm arar. (He/She is interested in the problems of his/her home country and of the world and looks for solutions for them).
İşte ODTÜ ruhu budur. (This is what is called the soul of METU).
 Bu ruha, bazen idealizm, bazen devrimcilik denir. (This soul is sometimes called idealism and sometimes revolutionism).
Onlar, ODTÜ'lülük diyorlar. (They call this "ODTÜ"lük"-coming from METU)
Biz bu ruhla, yakın çevremizden başlayarak, tüm dünyayı değiştirebileceğimize inanıyoruz. (We believe that we can change the whole world with the help of this soul, starting from our immediate environment.)

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