Communication breakdown due to improper grammar usage
Thursday, October 18, 2012
the terminal scene 4 transcript
Thurman] What are you doing
in the United States, Mr. Navorski?
[thick Bulgarian accent]
Yellow taxicab, please.
Take me to Ramada Inn,
Staying at the Ramada Inn?
Keep the change.
Do you know anyone in New York?
- Who?
- Yes.
- Who?
- Yes.
- No, do you know anyone in New York?
- Yes.
- Who?
- Yes.
OK, Mr. Navorski, I need to see
your return ticket, please.
No, your return ticket. Your...
- Oh... Yes.
- Ah.
[woman screams]
This is just a standard procedure.
I'm going to need the passport also.
Oh... OK.
- No, no.
- Thank you.
Mr. Navorski.
That. Passport.
Mr. Navorski?
Sorry to keep you waiting.
I'm Frank Dixon, Director of Customs
and Border Protection here at JFK.
I help people
with their immigration problems.
We're looking for
an interpreter for you.
How are we doing on that?
Do we have an interpreter?
But I understand
that you speak a little English.
- Yes.
- You do?
I hope you don't mind if I eat
while we talk. I've a bit of bad news.
Your country has suspended
all traveling privileges
on passports issued
by your government.
And our State Department
has revoked the visa
that was going to allow you
to enter the US.
That's it in a nutshell, basically.
While you were in the air there
was a military coup in your country.
Most of the dead were members
of the Presidential Guard.
They were attacked
in the middle of the night.
They got it all on GHN, I think.
There were few civilian casualties.
I'm sure your family's fine.
Mr. Navorski, your country
was annexed from the inside.
The Republic of Krakozhia
is under new leadership.
Krakozhia. Krakozhia
- Krakozhia.
- Right. I don't think he gets it.
Er... Let me... OK. Look.
Imagine that these potato chips
are Krakozhia.
- Kra-kozhia.
- Yes.
- Krakozhia.
- OK.
Er... So the potato chips are Krakozhia.
- And this apple...
- Big Apple. Big Apple.
...Big Apple represents
the Liberty Rebels.
No more Krakozhia! OK?
New government.
Revolution. You understand?
All the flights in and out
of your country have been suspended.
The new government has sealed all
borders, so your visa's no longer valid.
So, currently
you are a citizen of nowhere.
Now, we can't process you new papers
until the US recognizes your country's
new diplomatic reclassification.
You don't qualify for asylum,
refugee status,
temporary protective status,
humanitarian parole,
or non-immigration work travel.
You don't qualify for any of these.
You are at this time simply...
- Unacceptable.
- Unacceptable.
- Unacceptable.
Big Apple tour includes Brooklyn Bridge,
Empire State, Broadway show Cats.
I got more bad news for you.
Cats has closed.
Now I go New York City. Thank you.
No, Mr. Navorski. I cannot allow you
to enter the United States at this time.
- Krakozhia.
- We can't allow you to go home either.
You don't really have a home.
Technically it doesn't exist.
It's like a Twilight Zone.
Do you get that show over there?
Talking Tina, Zanti Misfits.
Zanti Misfits was Outer Limits, sir.
Really? It's not important.
Where do I buy the Nike shoes?
OK, Mr. Navorski, come here.
Here's my dilemma, Mr. Navorski.
You have no right to enter the US
and I have no right to detain you.
You have fallen through
a crack in the system.
- I am crack.
- Yes. Until we get this sorted out,
I will allow you to enter
the International Transit Lounge.
I'm going to sign a release form
that is going to make you a free man.
- Free?
- Free. Free.
Free to go anywhere you like
in the International Transit Lounge.
- OK?
- OK.
- OK.
- OK.
Dvolver movies
Dear FLE 133 Section 01 members,
Below are the links to the Dvolver movies that we created last week:
GAMZE EMİR -http://www.dvolver.com/live/movies-776720
ARİF EROL-OSMAN GÜLGÜN - http://www.dvolver.com/live/movies-776712
BÜŞRA DURMAZ - http://www.dvolver.com/live/movies-778928
CANSU DAYANÇ -http://www.dvolver.com/live/movies-776961
NURULLAH DEMİR- HALİL İBRAHİM GÖKBULUT - http://www.dvolver.com/live/movies-
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Blog journal entry guideliness
Blog Journal Entry Guideliness
1. Content: Your journal entry should be rich in content. That is to say, your paragraphs should explain fully the idea that you want to develop. You need to provide supporting ideas and give details about the point that you want to make. Whenever necessary, you need to provide relevant examples to illustrate your point. You need to make sure that your explanations are clear enough to your readers. Mainly your classmates and your course instructor will be your audience. You need to write by taking your audience into consideration. When you write something, you need to judge how clear you are to your audience. If you think you are not clear enough in your writing, you need to add some examples and extra detail information to support your ideas. You need to be as informative as possible.
2. Organization: Your journal entry is supposed to be organized. You need to order your ideas and link them together by using appropriate linking words and transitions. You need to devote one paragraph to one main idea. Whenever the focus in your ideas change, you need to start a new paragraph. All the ideas in one paragraph should revolve around one single main idea. You need to make sure that your readers can follow your writing easily.
3. Language: Your use of English in your journal entries should be as accurate as possible. The use of a variety of vocabulary items (it is usually not a good idea to repeat the same words again and again in your journal) is a good idea. You are expected to re-read your journal entry before posting it for language mistakes. You need to use a variety of sentence types.
You are supposed to incorporate the language points that we are covering in the course to your writings.
Your entries should be between 300-400 words and in 12 puntos.
1. Content: Your journal entry should be rich in content. That is to say, your paragraphs should explain fully the idea that you want to develop. You need to provide supporting ideas and give details about the point that you want to make. Whenever necessary, you need to provide relevant examples to illustrate your point. You need to make sure that your explanations are clear enough to your readers. Mainly your classmates and your course instructor will be your audience. You need to write by taking your audience into consideration. When you write something, you need to judge how clear you are to your audience. If you think you are not clear enough in your writing, you need to add some examples and extra detail information to support your ideas. You need to be as informative as possible.
2. Organization: Your journal entry is supposed to be organized. You need to order your ideas and link them together by using appropriate linking words and transitions. You need to devote one paragraph to one main idea. Whenever the focus in your ideas change, you need to start a new paragraph. All the ideas in one paragraph should revolve around one single main idea. You need to make sure that your readers can follow your writing easily.
3. Language: Your use of English in your journal entries should be as accurate as possible. The use of a variety of vocabulary items (it is usually not a good idea to repeat the same words again and again in your journal) is a good idea. You are expected to re-read your journal entry before posting it for language mistakes. You need to use a variety of sentence types.
You are supposed to incorporate the language points that we are covering in the course to your writings.
Your entries should be between 300-400 words and in 12 puntos.
Journal entry 4: Your slogan for METU
What do you think of the latest slogan of METU - I brain ODTÜ? To what extent and in what ways do you consider it an effective? In what ways do you think it fails to be an effective one? Why and why not?
If you were to design a slogan for METU again, which one would you choose ? Why? Please comment on these points in detail.
Note: The transcript of the video extract and its English version is as follows:
O bir ODTÜ'lü. (He is from METU.)
ODTÜ'lü hiçbir sınırı, sınırlamayı kabul etmez. (METU people do not accept any borders or limitations)
Özgür düşünür, düşüncelerini özgürce ifade eder. (METU people think freely and express their ideas freely)
Onu ODTÜ'lü yapan, ODTÜ'nün başarma ve "fark yaratma" kültürüdür. (What makes him/her a METU person is the culture of success and "making a difference" that is special to METU.
ODTÜ'lü, var olan bilgiyle yetinmez. Sorgular, araştırır, geliştirir. (A person from METU is not satisfied with the existing knowledge. He/She questions, investigates and develops),
Yeni bilgi üretmek, hayata geçirmek, paylaşmak için çalışır... (He/she tries to create new knowledge, put it into practice in real life and share it.)
Sorumluluğu sadece çevresiyle sınırlı kalmaz. (His/Her sphere of responsibility is not limited to his/her immediate environment).
Ülkenin ve dünyanın sorunlarıyla ilgilenir, çözüm arar. (He/She is interested in the problems of his/her home country and of the world and looks for solutions for them).
İşte ODTÜ ruhu budur. (This is what is called the soul of METU).
Bu ruha, bazen idealizm, bazen devrimcilik denir. (This soul is sometimes called idealism and sometimes revolutionism).
Onlar, ODTÜ'lülük diyorlar. (They call this "ODTÜ"lük"-coming from METU)
Biz bu ruhla, yakın çevremizden başlayarak, tüm dünyayı değiştirebileceğimize inanıyoruz. (We believe that we can change the whole world with the help of this soul, starting from our immediate environment.)
Journal entry 3: METU: an ideal university atmosphere?
What is an ideal university like for you? What are the characteristics of such a university? In what ways do you think METU fits the criteria that you have set for an ideal university? Why? Why not? Please explain your points in detail by giving examples.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Journal Entry 2
What does being a student at METU mean to you? In what ways are you happy about being at METU and in what
ways is it challenging for you?Why? How are you coping with the challenges that
you are facing? Please express your points in detail by giving relevant examples.
Journal Entry I: Contextual grammar in action - the identification of basic grammatical terms in context
Dear FLE 133 participants,
You need to choose a text of 250-500 words from a news broadcast site such as BBC News-Home (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news)or any other official website (e.g., the website of an organization, a university etc) and try to identify the following grammatical terms by underlining them - you need to find 3 examples for each category: a)adjective b)verb i) intransitive verb ii) transitive verb iii) linking verb iv)Action verb v) State verb c)adverb i)Place adverb ii)Time adverb iii)Adverb of manner d)Object i)direct object ii)indirect object e) subject f) phrase g) clause i) dependent clause ii)independent clause h)interjection i) pronoun 1)interrogative pronoun 2)personal pronoun 3)reflexive pronoun 4)indefinite pronoun j)noun i)common noun ii) proper noun iii) singular noun iv) plural noun You can refer to following website (http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/)and the following file uploaded on METUONLINE: Chapter 5 sentence integration (Week 3 course materials-October 11, 2012)
You need to choose a text of 250-500 words from a news broadcast site such as BBC News-Home (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news)or any other official website (e.g., the website of an organization, a university etc) and try to identify the following grammatical terms by underlining them - you need to find 3 examples for each category: a)adjective b)verb i) intransitive verb ii) transitive verb iii) linking verb iv)Action verb v) State verb c)adverb i)Place adverb ii)Time adverb iii)Adverb of manner d)Object i)direct object ii)indirect object e) subject f) phrase g) clause i) dependent clause ii)independent clause h)interjection i) pronoun 1)interrogative pronoun 2)personal pronoun 3)reflexive pronoun 4)indefinite pronoun j)noun i)common noun ii) proper noun iii) singular noun iv) plural noun You can refer to following website (http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/)and the following file uploaded on METUONLINE: Chapter 5 sentence integration (Week 3 course materials-October 11, 2012)
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